wanderlust gene

Scientists may have found the “wanderlust gene.” Do you have it?

You know them when you meet them.  Those people who always keep their passport on hand and can pack for an international trip in about twenty minutes flat.  Those who’ve almost never met a travel idea they didn’t like and would rather take three international trips a year than own a car.  They never get tired of exploring.

Scientists might have discovered why some people tend towards wanderlust and others don’t.

One gene in particular, simply known as DRD4, is associated with dopamine levels in the brain.  Dopamine is one of the brain’s natural “feel good” reward chemicals. For example, it’s released when we eat a delicious piece of chocolate cake or when we win at a race after training for months.

A derivative of DRD4, called DRD4-7R, is what’s come to be known as the “wanderlust gene.”  In people who have it — only about 20 percent of the population — it shows up with an increased curiosity, restlessness, and desire to explore.  And, the one thing that almost all people who have DRD4-7R share in common?

A history of traveling.

While nailing down the urge to explore and travel to only one piece of DNA might seem a bit simplistic, part of this unique gene mutation might be linked to the fact that the human brain and body are uniquely suited for exploration.  Unlike other primates, we have legs and hips that are designed to walk long distances.  We have hands that can perform incredibly detailed tasks.  And, our brains are large and are naturally wired for creativity and change.  Another source of the 7R gene might be those people groups in human history that experienced mass migration over long distances.  They cultivated and passed on a relentless curiosity about new territory because that was what they were doing for generations.

David Dobbs of National Geographic explored the question of the “travel gene” more in depth in a 2013 article.  Regardless of its origin, Dobbs notes that people who possess the 7R mutation are people who are “more likely to take risks and generally embrace movement, change, and adventure.”

Sound like anyone you know?  If you’re longing for your next great adventure, let’s talk travel!  Share your “wanderlust” ways with family, friends, or colleagues. Celebrate a grand celebration, family reunion, or destination wedding, together.  Bring your top performers, together, on a corporate retreat or incentive trip. Remember, the more, the merrier!

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