If you love island destinations, let’s plan your next tropical adventure!
From the Caribbean to the South Pacific, there is almost an unlimited number of islands to visit.
Some say, that once you’ve been to an island, you’ve seen them all! Absolutely, not true! Although, most islands around the world have palm trees, beaches, and beautiful water, it’s the people and their culture which sets them apart from each other. For example, you won’t find Reggae music played all over the island of Maui. And, in turn, you can’t watch a Hawaiian luau in St. Barth’s.
What is YOUR idea of a tropical island? What’s on your bucket list? What do you want to experience? Do you enjoy different or specific types of music? What type of foods do you like? Do you want to just relax under a palm tree? How far away from home do you wish to travel? By answering these questions, we can help you narrow down your choice to the “right” island destination for you.
A personal note from me (for it is near and dear to my heart):
Another experience, on many islands, which is not to be missed, is the opportunity to participate in Voluntourism. Many islands are in need of external help. You can help build a playground, plant trees, clean beaches, visit with school children, and much more! The opportunities are almost endless in what you can do to help the less fortunate. Now, I am not saying that all island destinations have poverty…the infrastructure is different on each. But, if your heart is leading you to help, please reach out to us to learn which islands are in need.
When you are ready to discuss your options, begin by scheduling your complimentary Luxury & Romance Planning Session.